Shopping for Edward’s Christmas present had been more challenging that I’d originally thought. I’d started in early November—before our rushed nuptials—combing the malls in Port Angeles but nothing had caught my eye. The things I’d seen had either been too impersonal, something he wouldn’t want, or just plain stupid. I’d almost resigned myself to making some of those sexual favor coupons, until he’d made a back handed comment mentioning how excited he was to celebrate the holidays that year. It had made me think about all of the crappy celebrations he must have had with his own family.
I wanted this Christmas to be the best one he’d ever had—one he would remember, replacing every sad and awful memory his parents and sister had given him in the past. With that in mind, I renewed my efforts in searching for the perfect gift. It had to have meaning and thought behind it, as well as make Rusty feel like a part of my family.
I lucked out online and was able to order more than one gift. I even had them sent to Mom and Dad’s house, because my husband seemed like the type that would be a naughty boy and peek. Both of my parents, when I showed them my purchases, loved the theme of showing Edward how adored he was and followed my example. I was certain no one would ever give him a better Christmas than the Swan clan.
I pulled away from my thoughts as I wrapped up the last present. Edward and I had bought gifts for my parents, James, Rose, Emmett, Grandpa Billy, Uncle Harry, and his family together. Since we’d become a couple, it just seemed right to give combined gifts. I had always thought that kind of thing was a little too cutesy for me, but I was starting to like being part of a “we” and didn’t mind so much anymore.
“Baby, you almost finished?” Edward called out from the living room.
“Yeah!” I answered, setting the last wrapped present on the bed.
Edward came in the bedroom, leaning against the door frame all sexy looking in his Army T-shirt and camouflage pajama pants. Seeing him in that outfit did things to me, and I repressed a shudder. I tried to tell myself that putting presents under the tree was more important than jumping my husband.
“Is that everything?” Edward chuckled.
“Yes. How did I end up wrapping all the presents anyway? It doesn’t seem fair,” I said, pouting playfully.
“I told you I’m horrible at it. They would have all looked like a three year old wrapped them. I was just trying to save face.”
“Whatever,” I hopped off the bed. “You get to put them under the tree, though. I think I have carpel tunnel from twisting the paper around all those misshapen packages. It’s your turn to be useful and flex those army muscles of yours to put them under the tree, Sergeant.”
Edward mock saluted me with a grin and jumped away from his spot. “Yes, ma’am!”
My husband is such a dork.
I ignored his silliness and went into the living room, sitting down on the couch. It was easy to get into the Christmas spirit looking around the room. James had shown up on our doorstep a couple of nights before and insisted we decorate. It was the only time Edward had ever agreed with James wholeheartedly—even going as far as to help him with the task. At first, I really didn’t want my living room to look like Rudolph threw up on every surface, but once the boys finished, it looked really festive. After I’d grudgingly admitted that it looked good, James had named himself the official decorator for all seasons from that moment on.
I noticed there was a tray on the coffee table in front of me. It had two mugs of hot chocolate, some gingerbread cookies I made with Mom, and a couple of peppermint sticks.
Looks like Rusty was busy while I was playing “can you hide that shape?” in the bedroom.
The small tree in the corner lit up the dark room and added to the ambiance. Since it was Christmas Eve, we had put up our stockings already—full of goodies. We’d both decided it was kind of stupid to try to hide those, because there was no way to fill them the night before without the other knowing. However, I’d gotten an ironclad promise from soldier boy he wouldn’t touch his until morning. Rusty walked by me with his arms full of presents. I leaned back and watched him arrange them under the tree, trying to ignore the way his back muscles flexed under his shirt. Pregnancy had done a number on my hormones, and I was jumping the poor man constantly these days. I didn’t think he minded much; I’d never heard him complain once.
Edward sat next to me after the last box was placed. I put my feet in his lap, and his hands automatically started rubbing. I leaned back, moaning at the feeling.
“You keep that up, and we’ll be doing more than just drinking hot chocolate.” Edward tilted his head and flashed me a wicked smile.
“Mmmmm,” I moaned at his words.
He stopped his movements, earning a pout from me. I cleared my throat and sat up. “So—not that I’m complaining—but what’s all this?” I motioned to the tray across from us.
“Oh, well, I thought I’d share another one of my traditions with you. When Alice and I were little, our cook would make us gingerbread cookies and hot chocolate on Christmas Eve. Dad was usually working, and Mom couldn’t be bothered with it. The stockings with my grandmother and the hot chocolate with the cook are really the only positive memories I have of this season.”
I frowned. It was just another thing that made me want to kick his parents’ asses over. I wondered if it would be in bad taste if I just showed up on their doorstep one day and told them what horrible people they were. Stupid bastards.
“I really hate your parents.” I stuck out my tongue. Just the mere mention of those people left a bad taste in my mouth.
“I know, but this year has turned out to be my best one so far.”
His hand went to my abdomen, rubbing in small circles. I leaned into him and placed my head on his shoulder. With his other hand, he gave me one of the cups, taking the other one for himself. I took a drink and fought to keep my eyes from rolling back in my head. Sergeant Cullen knew how to make a mean cup of hot chocolate.
“This is good. Where did you learn to make such deliciousness?”
“It’s one of the only things I’m good at cooking. I’m not giving up my secrets,” Edward said, laughing.
“I’ll get it out of you. I have ways of making you talk.”
“I’m sure you do.” He placed a small kiss on my lips.
I set down the mug and turned to face him. “So, since we’re discussing traditions, I’d like to talk about starting a new one. My family always opened presents on Christmas Day, but I thought we could open one or two on Christmas Eve. That way, we’ll have our own tradition,” I explained, biting my lip.
Edward nodded. “I like the sound of that.”
I smiled and jumped up, running to the bedroom. I’d hidden two presents, hoping he’d go along with my plan. They were a little more personal, and I wanted it to just be us when he opened them. Edward was laughing at me when I returned with a gift already in his lap.
“Where did you put those? I thought you were keeping all of mine in your parents’ house because you didn’t trust me, my sneaky little firecracker.”
“I don’t. You look like the type who would cheat,” I admitted, reclaiming my spot on the couch. “But I really wanted to give these to you alone, so...”
He tilted his head to the side as I held up a large and a small present. When I handed them over, I noticed he had a nice-sized one his own hand, and we exchanged them. Edward motioned for me to go first. I ripped off the paper, revealing a nice looking digital camera. I looked over at him stunned.
“I know you’ll want to take as many pictures of BC as you can once he’s born. I also thought we could use it tomorrow to document our first Christmas together,” Edward explained, turning red with embarrassment.
I set the camera on the floor beside me and launched myself at Rusty, hugging him tightly.
“I love it. This is the best present ever.” I teared up.
He blew out a breath. “Thank God, because I had no idea what to get you.” I chuckled. “You did good. Now, open the big one first.”
He raised an eyebrow at me but complied. The presents I gave him had a theme, and I knew it was kind of bossy of me, but I insisted that he open them from largest to smallest. There was a method to my madness.
He tore off the paper, revealing a medium-sized wooden box. It was cherry-colored with the edges rounded around the top. Edward glanced up at me.
“Open it.”
He shook his head with a smile and indulged me. Pulling out a sheet of paper, he unfolded it and began to read. I followed over his shoulder, looking at the words I’d penned a few nights before while he was sleeping.
Dear Daddy,
I’m sorry I can’t be there with you this year, but I’m busy growing big and strong in Mommy’s tummy. I wanted you to know how much you mean to me, and with Mommy’s help, I’ve written you this letter. The box that Mommy gave you is from me. It’s to put mementos of the memories we are going to make together, or the drawings and letters I am going to make for you to show how much I love you, Daddy. I can’t wait to meet you.
I love you so much,
Edward was sobbing by the time he finished the letter. I took it from him, folded it up, and placed it gently in the box. After I took his present out of his lap, placing it on the floor, climbed into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, and I squeezed him tight.
I was beginning to think my gift was a bad idea. I’d wanted to show him just how much he meant to me, and was going to mean to BC, by giving him something to keep mementos from and of his son in. It made me sad to know that no one in his life, before he moved to Forks, showed him how much he was appreciated.
“I’m sorry,” I whispered in his ear. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted—”
“Don’t.” He croaked, interrupting me. “You have no idea what this means to me. I’ll treasure this gift always.”
I sat there for a few minutes, wrapped around him, as he collected himself. I stroked the hair on the back of his neck, trying to show my love through touch. After a few moments, he let out a shuddering breath and asked for the other present.
I was a little unsure because of his previous reaction. With shaking hands, I picked it up and handed it to him. Still on his lap, I watched as he tore the paper off the smaller gift. He opened the box and took out the contents. It was a coin with a large male hand and a small hand belonging to a child on the face, and a piece of paper inside. The words Daddy’s Hand wrapped around the top of the metal coin. He turned it over and inspected it, rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
“It’s to put in your box. I thought it could be your first Daddy keepsake,” I explained.
“I love you so much,” Edward said.
We ended the night snuggled together on the couch, sipping our hot chocolate. Edward was quiet but seemed peaceful. I was glad that the “Daddy” portion of my gift theme was complete and couldn’t wait until the next day to show him just how much I appreciated all aspects of my wonderful Rusty.
“I want to play Santa! I want to play Santa!” James exclaimed, situating himself under my parents’ large Christmas tree.
Edward and I had arrived early to hugs from Charlie and Sue. We’d promised to come over for breakfast to spend time with them before Mom and I started cooking and the rest of our family showed up. Alone time with the folks was nice and getting to cook with Mom was even better. By the time the rest of the clan arrived, dinner was close to being finished.
Rose and Leah came in to help with the last minute preparations. Aunt Claire, Harry’s wife, stood in the kitchen, watching us. The woman couldn’t cook for shit—probably the reason Mom had a hard time teaching Leah—and had been banned from helping years before.
Dinner was interesting. James decided that we needed a toast before we started eating and almost succeeded in reading a poem to commemorate the event. Dad tackled him to the ground, knocking him out of his chair. A wrestling match broke out on the floor, but my father still managed to put James into a head lock, grabbing the paper from James’ clutched hand. I was impressed that my father, who was getting up there in age, managed to stand up and run toward the kitchen in a much quicker move than I’d anticipated. James ran after him, and we heard a yelp from the kitchen. Dad explained later he’d burned the offending prose in the sink. James pouted for the rest of the meal.
After eating, we’d gathered in the living room for presents—where James had sat down in front of the tree and was whining about wanting to be “Santa.” Emmett and Rose had situated themselves on love seat, Edward and I were cuddling on the sofa, Dad sat in favorite chair with Mom on his lap, Harry and Claire sitting in two of the dining room chairs next to each other, and siblings Seth and Leah on the floor sitting in front of their parents. Grandpa Billy was the only member of the family not paired up, so he was next to me on the couch.
“If it will shut you up, then you can pass out presents,” Charlie said with an eye roll.
James squealed and got to work.
It didn’t take long before all of us were loaded down with gifts. Edward sat entranced by the colored paper flying across the room. He seemed kind of confused.
“It’s always a free for all in this house. We tried going one at a time one year, and it didn’t work out. Just grab one and start.” I nodded toward the brightly colored packages in his lap.
“I love your family.” Edward smiled and dug in.
He ended up with some warm clothes for hunting and fishing gear from Dad, an Afghan and knitted socks from Mom, a jar of fire water from Uncle Harry and Aunt Claire, two tickets to see Stone Sour in Seattle from Rose and Emmett, a set of tools from Grandpa Billy, a couple of shirts from Leah, and a shaving kit from Seth.
There were hoots and hollers when someone got a particularly good gift. I started opening some of mine when the noise level calmed down. I had some maternity clothes from Aunt Claire and Uncle Harry, a voucher for unlimited babysitting services from Leah, a foot massager from Emmett and Rose, candles from Seth, a picture of a nice wooden crib Grandpa Billy had ordered to be delivered after the New Year, and a bassinet from my parents. I teared up when I saw the present from my parents, deciding to wait to open the ones from Edward.
“Thanks so much you guys,” I said to everyone. “I really appreciate this.”
My mother came over and hugged me while everyone else nodded. Once I calmed, James jumped up with a smile.
“I decided that I should get you and your man a together present.” James gave us a sly wink and then left the room. Mom returned to her place on Dad’s lap.
My gaze traveled to Edward, and he shrugged his shoulders. James returned with a huge basket dripping with pink. It was full of baby items all suited for a girl. I laughed loudly as Edward grimaced.
“My apartment already looks like it’s covered in Pepto Bismol. I thought you were done buying baby crap,” Edward complained.
“Baby Cullen can never have too many things,” James shot Edward a look that clearly showed James thought my husband was a moron. “She needs to be able to have many outfits and accessories at her disposal.”
“He,” Edward said, emphasizing the word. “Will be a boy, and he’s not going to need all this crap you keep buying. Boys don’t need much.”
“Someone is in denial.” James scoffed. “Baby Cullen is a girl, and I am positive you will be eating your words when she is born.”
He set that monstrosity at my feet with a grin as the room erupted in laughter. “You guys are too much,” I said, giggling.
James went back to his spot and resumed opening his gifts. I noticed that he’d picked up the one from Edward and me. Elbowing my husband in the ribs, I tried to get his attention. He looked up and over at James when he saw me point in that direction. An evil grin crossed his features.
James finished pulling off the paper and opened the box. He let out a high pitched scream and ran out of the room. Edward was dying with laughter beside me; everyone else looked confused. I got up and went to find James, noticing the front door was open. I peeked outside and saw James was head first in a snow drift.
“Edward!” I yelled.
He came running, and the moment he saw James, it set him off on a new round of laughter.
“This is your fault,” I admonished. “Get him out of there.”
“Yes, Bella,” he said.
Edward walked out into the cold and extracted our flamboyant friend from the snow pile. James’ short blonde hair was covered in white powder, and he was shivering. Edward led him into the living room and helped him sit on the couch while I got him a blanket. I wrapped him in it and sat beside him, rubbing my hands up and down his arms. Edward took his place on the floor in front of my feet.
I looked down at my husband. “You suck. I told you that was a bad idea.”
“Don’t you love me at all?” James asked. “Why would you get me a mouse for Christmas?”
The room was full of chuckles once again.
“It was a rabbit’s foot,” Edward said, his voice rising an octave on the last word.
Seth leaned over to fist bump Edward, which he returned. I cleared my throat and glared at Edward, making him duck his head.
“Look.” Edward rubbed his hands on his thighs, looking up at James. “I know I give you a lot of shit, but I’d like to think we’ve become friends. Hell, until Jake, I didn’t even know what real friendship was. Everyone else in my life, up until then, had abandoned me. It was one of the things he taught me, how to be there for another human being. So, I have to blame him for the fact that pranking will always come with my friendship.” He smiled.
James’ face softened from the scowl he’d been wearing.
“Here’s your real present,” Edward said, pulling rectangular package from under the sofa. I looked over at him, asking with my eyes what he was doing. Last I knew, we had decided on a gift basket full of products like bath salts and body glitter. This was not bath salts and body glitter.
James took it from Edward and opened it. A large grin spread across his face. “Seriously?” James exclaimed. He threw himself at Edward, knocking him on his back. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“I hate to interrupt cuddle time,” Emmett said from his spot on the love seat. “But what has Miss Priss all excited?”
James stood up and began hopping up and down like he was on a sugar high. “Read it and weep, bitches.”
James pulled out a pink shirt and proudly held it up for all the world to see. In large white letters it proclaimed that James was the “Greatest Auntie in the World.”
Edward got up and sat next to me. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.
“There’s a gift card in there, too,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.
“Uh huh,” I said. “You like being friends with James.”
“Yeah, whatever. When he’s not hitting on me, he’s not that bad. Just don’t tell him that.” Edward bumped my shoulder with his.
I laughed and went back to my presents. I opened two of the gifts from Edward and saw he had gotten me a scrapbook and a gold medallion to put pictures in. I loved them immediately. The last gift made me cry because it was a framed picture of Jake sitting on a tank, hamming it up for the camera. It just captured the essence of who my brother was, and I knew I’d treasure it always.
I hugged Edward and thanked him for his thoughtful gifts. In a way, he’d found a way to have my brother as a part of the celebration, giving each person a picture of our beloved Jake and documenting his time in the army. Since we couldn’t be there with him, it was nice to know that, while overseas, he hadn’t lost who he had been. Edward waited to open the remaining presents from me until I was finished. The moment I set Jake’s picture down, he blew out a breath and started. The first one he tore into was a compass I’d bought him for the “Husband and Lover” part of the theme. Engraved inside was a little message to him, which he read to himself.
No matter how many miles separate us, I know you’ll always be able to find me.
Love always,
“Do you like making me cry?” Edward muttered as he wiped his eyes. “I do have a reputation to uphold.”
I giggled through my tears. “No, I just want you to know I love every part of you. It’s about time someone showed you how wonderful you are.”
He smiled at me, working on the next present. Inside was a small box. He lifted the lid to reveal a circular pendant with the words “United States Army” around the edges, and the Army seal in the center. It was my way of letting him know how proud I was of his service in the armed forces.
He took it out and placed it around his neck. I’d had a hard time finding something suited for a veteran, but when I saw the necklace, it just felt right. Seeing it on him, and how proud he seemed to be wearing it, told me I’d made the right choice.
He looked nervous about the last present. I was biting my lip, hoping that it would be well received. Removing the paper, he revealed a framed photo of himself and Jake in basic training. They had their arms thrown over each other’s shoulder and were laughing at something in the distance. Out of everything else, I wanted to celebrate his friendship with Jake, because it was what had led him to me. I was thankful for it more than I could ever express.
“You raided my pictures.” Edward laughed through his tears.
“You were busy collecting pictures for everyone else, but you needed something to display, too. Jake was just as important to you as he was to the rest of us. He loved you, Edward. And I thought it would be appropriate. In a way, you can consider it a present from Jake.”
He set his gifts on the floor and hugged me. I hoped that he finally realized how much my family and I cared for him.
I noticed, for the first time, we were alone in the room. Voices could be heard from the kitchen, and I knew that everyone had given us some privacy.
“This is the best Christmas ever,” Edward said, kissing me until my toes curled.
“I’m not sure if we should leave. You look far too beautiful to be out in public,” Edward said, eyeing me up and down.
We were going out with Rose and Emmett, and I had decided to dress up a bit in a red sweater dress, leggings, and black flats. I’d left my hair down for practical reasons, hoping it would help counteract the blistery December chill. Edward had on a button down white shirt and black dress pants. We were meeting our friends at the new Mexican restaurant in Port Angeles. BC had been craving tacos, so I was going to give in and enjoy it.
It was two days before New Year’s Eve, and Charlie and Sue had let us work Upstairs that morning and taken our shifts at the bar as part of their Christmas present to us. Since Dad hadn’t decided whether to close down the bar for the holiday, that subsequently happened to be Jake’s birthday, my parents thought we needed a night out in case we were working on the thirty-first.
My parents were the best. They told us they wanted to make sure Edward and I got some couple time in before BC was born, stating it was important for us to strengthen our bond so we could be the best parents possible to our child. Her words had made me cry.
“We’re going out, Edward. Your spawn is demanding Mexican.”
Edward chuckled and kneeled in front of my stomach, nuzzling my large bump. “All right. We’ll get you fed, and then it’s Daddy’s turn to have Mommy. Okay, BC?”
He finished his little speech to our unborn child with a kiss on my abdomen. The presents I gave to Edward from our child had flipped something inside of him. He’d been wonderful before, but it was like getting something tangible from his soon to be daughter or son made it all the more real for him.
He stood up and took my hand. “C’mon. I need to feed my family.”
An hour later, we pulled up in front of the Mexican restaurant. I waited for Edward to open my door before I exited the car. My husband was all about using his gentleman skills these days, and it just wasn’t worth it to fight him on it. Honestly, I was starting to get used to the attention.
We went inside and gave our name to the host. He led us to our table, and I heard Edward mumble under his breath—unable to make out the words. I gave Edward a look, but he shook his head. It was obvious he wasn’t going to tell me.
Once we arrived, the host pulled out my chair for me, causing Edward to huff and flop down in his seat. I thanked the man and sat down. He let us know he’d bring our missing party members when they arrived and told us our server would be there momentarily.
“Should have brought my shotgun.” Edward turned his head, glaring behind him.
“What is with you?”
“If that guy stared at your ass one more time, I was going to punch him. Who ogles a pregnant married woman?” Edward grumbled, turning back.
I giggled at him and his grumpiness. “Yeah, I’m sure he was appalled by the size of my fat ass, Edward.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head, convinced he’d lost his mind.
“Don’t say that. I happen to like your ass.”
“Please, my ass is its own country.”
“Pretty firecracker has lost her fucking mind.” Edward shook his head.
“I’m ready to chow down.” Emmett’s voice interrupted our ridiculous discussion.
Edward and I jumped at Emmett and Rose’s arrival. We’d been lost in our own little bubble and hadn’t seen them. Emmett laughed at our reaction.
Our server came over not long after and took our orders. I ended up just ordering a plate full of authentic tacos. I received funny looks from Edward, Emmett, and Rose, but I didn’t care. Just the thought of the crunchy goodness made my mouth water.
Eating food became a wonderful experience again once I’d stopped throwing up all the time. After the ninth week, my body decided to quit torturing me with the morning sickness, and I couldn’t have been happier. Edward was relieved as well—he was starting to worry about me.
Emmett talked about setting up another fishing trip with Edward in the Spring, and Rose and I discussed all things baby.
“I’m kind of pissed at James,” Rose admitted. “He’s buying up all this cute stuff; there’s not going to be anything left for the rest of us to buy.”
I snorted. “He’s bought everything in pink. If BC turns out to be a boy, we’re screwed. I’d love it if everyone would get us some gender neutral colors. It might also save Edward from having a stroke. He’s adamant that the baby is a boy.”
“Yeah, I heard. He’d be such a sweetheart with a girl, though.”
“I agree, but he’d also be a nightmare. Can you imagine when she started dating. Poor BC.”
Rose cackled. “I don’t think Edward would be the only one going crazy. I’m sure Emmett and Charlie would be joining Edward on your front porch with their own shotguns. Any guy that goes out with her doesn’t stand a chance.”
I put my head in my hands. “You are so right. You and Mom will have to help me make the knuckleheads see reason.”
“What are you talking about?” Edward asked, leaning toward us.
“We’re talking about when your daughter starts dating,” Rose explained.
“I am not having a daughter. My kid is a boy,” Edward said with a head nod.
“Hear, hear.” Emmett raised his glass in agreement.
“You guys are awful.” I pointed at Edward and then Emmett.
“Can you really imagine Edward with a girl? He’d kill anything that moved.” Emmett laughed, holding his stomach.
“Ha. Ha.” I deadpanned.
“Emmett is telling the truth.” Edward snorted, taking a drink of his water. “I know what teenage boys are like. I was one, once upon a time. It’s just better if we have a boy. I promise.”
“You know, your daughter could turn out like Bella,” Rose tilted her head, placing her fist on her chin. “If that’s the case, you’d probably sleep better at night. I remember the time Brandon Miller lied and said he slept with Bella freshman year. She made it her personal mission to make sure it was a known fact he had a small penis.” She looked over at me. “The poem you wrote about it in the girl’s bathroom was brilliant, by the way.”
I laughed, remembering that dickhead. He had to confess to lying about having sex with me to try and salvage what little reputation he’d had left. It backfired on him because the damage had already been done. He was known as the guy with the “itsy bitsy teeny weenie” until he left Forks.
“The bastard is lucky I didn’t find out until years later.” Emmett scowled, shaking his head. “I would have annihilated that punk.”
“And if we have a boy, I won’t have a heart attack if something like that happens.” Edward nodded, shooting me a pointed look.
I shook my head. No matter how much we discussed the possibility of a girl, Edward shut it down. He was determined BC was a boy, and there was no changing his mind. It was annoying at times because having a girl would be nice. I’d have someone to pass the female Swan family traditions on to, but I would also be content with a boy. Charlie could teach him all kinds of things, and having a miniature version of Edward running around learning things from his dad made me smile.
I was undecided as to what I wanted BC to be, but it was fine. As long my baby was healthy, I would be happy.
We finished dinner and decided to look at the Christmas lights set up on the next block. Walking seemed appropriate because it wasn’t far, so we left the restaurant and started down the street.
About halfway toward our destination, Rose slipped on a patch of ice and fell on her ass. On the way down, she tried to grab a hold of Emmett and caused him to fall on top of her. Both broke out in laughter as Emmett tried to help her up.
Edward scooped me up in his arms after he watched the exchange.
“What the hell are you doing?” I screeched as I left the ground.
“Keeping you safe,” he said, walking toward the lights.
“I can walk fine, you know.” I stared at the side of his face.
“Well, I’m not taking any chances. It’s dangerous out, and you have to be careful.”
“Ugh. You are too much. Put me down.”
“Not a chance,” Edward said, laughing.
My overprotective husband carried me the rest of the way, Rose and Emmett following behind us. Emmett had been worried that Rose had hurt herself, but she just brushed him off and told him not to fret. She also threatened his balls if he pulled what she was calling “an Edward.”
That’s my girl.
The lights came into view a few minutes later, and we found a bench to sit down on. Edward only released me after I promised to sit and not move. I had a feeling that Rose’s fall had caused Edward’s mind into an overprotective tailspin, but it was unwarranted. I had been careful since I found out I was pregnant. I wanted BC to be safe just as much as Edward did, but he’d taken it upon himself to be my personal bodyguard and keeper. I loved the man, but it was annoying.
The light display was the biggest I’d seen in all the years we’d come to see it. When we were kids, Mom and Dad would pile Jake, Emmett, and I into their car. Back then, we’d park close and look at them from the back seat. Mom was always worried about us getting too cold and even went as far as to bring a thermos of hot chocolate with us.
I could picture in my mind piling into the car with Edward and BC next year to carry on the tradition. Really, I had so many things I wanted to do with my child when he or she was born. I knew that my parents were just as excited. I took hold of Edward’s hand and squeezed it.
I couldn’t wait until I was a mom.
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