Chapter 11 Teaser
James marched up to me like a diva on a mission. I hoped it didn’t involve any talk of babies. “You. Me. Back room. Now,” he said, prodding a finger in my chest to accentuate each word.
“Um, no thanks,” I replied.
“It wasn’t a request, sugar cane. It’s serious business,” he said and tried to push me toward the back room.
I didn’t move an inch. He seriously needed to start working out if he wanted to push me around.
“I’ll climb up on the bar and tell everyone how much I enjoyed it when you licked my nipples last night if you don’t move right now,” he threatened.
“What the fuck?” I spluttered. “You wouldn’t!”
“Try me,” he said with a smirk.
I took another gulp out of the glass in front of me. Fucking Fuzzy Navels. When I had asked James to make me a stiff drink, I should have known he would give me some kind of girly shit. Orange juice and Peach Schnapps was not what I had been thinking—a shot of tequila or whiskey would have been my choice.
Maybe it was better I wasn’t in charge of the drink making, because I probably would have been downing the liquor straight from the bottle. The alcohol left a slight burn in my throat as I swallowed. I wished that it had also burned the places on me that lowlife had touched once upon a time, erasing all of the pain he had caused. It was no use, though. I couldn’t remove the memory of what he’d done, and it would always be a part of me.
I turned my head—James and Edward were at the end of the bar in an intense discussion. James had an empty bottle in his hand, listening to Edward with rapt attention. Edward was talking while motioning with his hands to the bottle, and the sight made me curious. I picked up my drink, walking to where they were standing. I needed something to take my mind off of the appearance of my ex-boyfriend in the bar and figured that whatever they were up to would do it.
“—sure you throw it as hard as you can. Otherwise, the bottle won’t break,” Edward explained with his hands.
“What in the hell are you two idiots up to?” I asked. Both men jumped and turned toward me. James hid the bottle behind his back, and a huge grin spread across his face.
A smile like that from James could only mean one thing…he was plotting Embry’s demise. The quirky diva took great delight in planning out all kinds of horrible things that could happen to my scumbag ex. The night I told James about Embry for the first time, I’d had to explain why ordering nitroglycerine online to make a car bomb was a bad idea.
He had tried to convince me that prison didn’t scare him because all inmates were gay. I’d asked him how he figured that, and he’d said Oz taught him everything he needed to know. Only James would cite a cable prison show as his source. Yet, when I’d told him his pretty pink ass would be overused because he was a fine looking man, he’d backtracked. Apparently, the idea of being everyone’s bitch was a turn off. Go figure.
“Oh, nothing. We were just talking,” Edward said, his voice rising slightly.
“Uh huh.” I nodded at Edward and then turned toward James. “So, James, how are we killing Embry this time?”
Edward’s eyes went wide while James brought the bottle back in front of him, placing it on the bar with a flourish.
“Sugar lips here is teaching me how to make Molotov cocktails,” James said, bouncing on his toes. “I’m going to go all James Bond on his ass by sneaking onto the reservation so I can set his house on fire.”
I set my glass down and rubbed my forehead with my hand. “You do know that the entire reservation could go up in flames, right? They don’t have their own fire department and have to rely on the one here in Forks.”
“Boo, there goes my plans to show double-oh-seven what a man in a tux is supposed to look like. I would have been fuckhot, too,” James said with a pout.
“Yes, you would have.” I patted his arm, hoping to placate him.
James picked up his bottle and went to the back room.
“How in the hell…?” Edward started to say.
“James is always trying to plan out Embry’s murder,” I said with a wave of my hand. “Last time, it was some kind of fucked up BDSM scenario without the sex.”
Edward let out a loud laugh and shook his head. I giggled, joining him in his merriment and trying to forget what had transpired earlier. We went on like that for a few seconds, and then Edward let out a sigh, wiping his eyes.
“Are you okay?” He fidgeted with his shirt. “I mean…never mind. It’s none of my business.”
He started to walk away, and I found myself grabbing his arm. Edward looked at me with his brow raised, confusion clear on his face. I was a little perplexed myself, because I wasn’t sure why I had stopped him. I just knew I didn’t want him to go.
“It’s not a pretty story, Edward. You’re better off without that shit corrupting your brain,” I muttered in a dark tone.
“You’re not the only one that has demons, beautiful.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he turned beet red. Interesting.
“Look, I understand if you don’t want to tell me. If you do, though, I just want you to know I’m here,” he admitted, raising his hand and then letting it drop to his side.
I looked at his face, seeing that he was serious. Really, I didn’t know if I could tell him about the horror of my past with Embry. I’d lived through it, and although I didn’t even want to know about it, something made me want to open up to him. He had been a stranger I was convinced was stalking me not long before, but I had come to trust him. Edward was my friend, and when I thought about it, I didn’t care if he knew about my past. I just didn’t want it to hurt him.
“Not here,” I whispered, shaking my head.
He looked at me dumbly.
“If you really want to know, come by my apartment later after we finish up. I don’t want to talk about it in the bar.” I said, not wanting to have that conversation but feeling like it was necessary.
“Okay.” He continued to look at me with confusion. “When do you want me to come by?”
“Any time after we’re done. I’ll see you then.” I walked away from him, picked up my glass on the bar, slammed it, and shuddered. Holy mother of fuck. That shit is nasty.
I didn’t talk to Edward for the rest of the night as we closed up. After Embry the Ass had made his appearance, the customers had found out quickly there wasn’t going to be a show and left. To, no doubt, spread rumors about how Crazy Bella’s ex-boyfriend had come to the bar and rendered the bitch speechless. Very few people in the town had any clue about what had gone down between Embry and me, and that was how I liked things.
When I finished, I waved to Edward and made my way back to the office. Dad was already seated behind the desk, counting out the night’s earnings. The nights my father worked meant I didn’t have to stay late to count the money. He insisted that he be the one to do it, since he was only working two or three days a week at the bar. I had requested to be the one to close when I had started. He had been killing himself working both the bar and the diner for too long, and I’d wanted to alleviate his stress. Plus, I knew my mother liked having her husband around more.
“I’m heading out. Night, Dad.” I waved and stared toward the door.
He stopped what he was doing and motioned me over. I sighed, complying. I knew he wanted to talk about what had happened. It wasn’t necessary—I was fine.
“So, you okay, kiddo?” he asked, leaning forward in the chair and placing his hands on the desk.
“I am now,” I looked down at the floor. “It was just a shock. I haven’t seen him in months. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking.”
“That was his problem…he wasn’t thinking. Bella, maybe I should hire a bouncer to watch the doors.” Charlie rubbed his chin in contemplation.
“Dad,” I started to argue with him. “It’s not necessary. I appreciate the offer, though.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. We do have Edward, after all,” he said with a smile.
I blew out a breath.
“I’m telling him tonight,” I said, watching his face for a reaction. His smile got wider, and if I wasn’t mistaken, there was a sparkle in his eye. Motherfucking fuck. He was just as crazy as James when it came to Edward. If I wasn’t careful, both of them would have me married off to him in no time.
“I think that’s wonderful, sweetheart. He needs to know about that asshole, and…” my father leaned back in his seat, eyeing me.
“Oh my God!” I yelled, resisting the urge to throw a fit. “Edward and I are just friends, nothing else. So, whatever you’re thinking, get it out of your head.”
“One of these days, she’s going to see how perfect they are for each other,” he muttered under his breath. I was sure he thought I didn’t catch the comment, but I did. I chose to ignore it, however, because admitting otherwise would open up an entirely different discussion I wasn’t prepared to have with my father.
“Goodnight, old man. I love you, even though you drive me nuts,” I said in a mocking tone.
He laughed, holding his stomach. “Get out of here, daughter, before I evict you.”
I chuckled and left the room, thinking about my father. We had the type of relationship where we could joke with one another. It was the same kind that Jake and my dad had had, and I was glad it was one thing that was going to live on…even if my brother couldn’t.
Edward was standing outside my door as I stepped off of the final step leading to the second floor. He was running his hand through his hair nervously and hadn’t seen me yet. I couldn’t help but admire him as I walked toward him. Under any other circumstance, I would have probably jumped the man at first glance. He was gorgeous, and very much the type I would go for. However, I was broken, and he was my dead brother’s best friend. Not a good combination to start something, in my honest opinion.
“Hey, have you been standing here long?” I asked softly.
He jumped at the sound of my voice and turned red. “Oh, uh, no…I haven’t been here long,” he answered, smiling sheepishly.
I took the keys to my door out of my pocket and unlocked the deadbolt along with the main lock. Opening the door, I motioned for him to follow me. When I was inside, I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Jack along with two glasses. I walked back into the living room, and Edward was seated on the couch. Placing the glasses and bottle on the coffee table, I sat down next to him.
“What’s this for?” he asked, motioning toward the items.
“If I’m going to tell this, I need alcohol. Lots of it,” I explained, pouring each of us a glass. He nodded, and I handed him one. The other I threw back like a shot, letting the alcohol calm my nerves.
“Listen, if you don’t want to talk about it, it’s fine. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Edward assured. “Or, if it helps, I can tell you about my asshole family. You know, I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Oh, honey. I’ll be happy to show you anything you want if I get to see that gorgeous cock again first.
I cleared my throat and turned, giving him my full attention while trying to erase the image my perverted interpretation of his words caused. Ever since his friend had come in, before the Embry debacle, I’d wondered what the story was between those two. I figured it was probably bad, since Edward had cut his friend out of his life—it had to be.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What’s up with your family, and that guy that showed up tonight? Jackson...or whatever his name is,” I said, relieved I wasn’t the one going first.
Edward laughed. I was glad he seemed to take the bait, because I, truthfully, could use the extra time to prepare.
“Well, Jasper and I had been friends since we were kids,” he began, emphasizing his friend’s name.
“We did everything together, and I always thought we had the type of friendship where he’d have my back…no matter what. I was so naïve back then.” He shifted and sat up straighter.
“When I was deciding what I wanted to do with my life, he kept pushing for me to go to college and become a lawyer like he was going to be, or a doctor like my dad. At the time, I saw his suggestion for what it was—a way to get in good with my father. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time before he proposed to Alice, and any points he could score with the good doc were great for him.” He took a sip of his Jack and then continued.
“I’d looked at different colleges, realizing quickly it wasn’t for me. I sent in the applications and got back a few acceptance letters, but it was more to placate my parents than anything else. Instead, I was leaning toward becoming a firefighter or cop, because I felt like my calling was to help people.”
I sat there, listening to every word he said with fascination. If it was possible, Edward had just gotten more attractive. Fuck.
“Imagine my surprise when, during career day, I ending up choosing to join the Army after asking questions while taking care of my draft registration. The recruiter made it sound like I’d be doing more good there than anywhere else, and I wanted that. So, as I drove home, I made the decision to enlist. Nothing had ever felt so right.” He hunched over and placed his forearms on his thighs. The man looked defeated, and I knew that the bad part of the story was coming.
“When I let everyone know what I had decided, all hell broke loose. Esme told me that I was joining over her dead body, Carlisle threatened to cut me off, Alice was glad I had taken the heat off of her for her stupid career choice, and Heidi, well, she was a bitch about it.”
“Wait, who was Heidi again? I don’t remember you mentioning her,” I said, confused.
“Oh, I might not have. She was just some girl I’d been dating at the time.”
I had no idea why, but I wanted to punch the faceless Heidi. She had been in a relationship with Edward and had thrown it all away because she didn’t like his choice of career? What kind of selfish bitch had she been anyway?
I was sure my emotions showed on my face, because he leaned over and place his hand on my knee.
“It’s all right. It was doomed from the start.” A bitter chuckle escaped him. “I ended up leaving after graduation, and I haven’t looked back since. The first time any of them pretended to give a damn was when I was hit by that roadside bomb, almost lost my leg, and was in a coma. Even then, they only made sure I was alive. They didn’t even bother to visit me.”
My heart broke for Edward. No one should have to go through a traumatic experience without the support of their family. God, if I ever met them, there would be hell to pay. I cared for my family and friends greatly, and since Edward had made that list, they had better hope they never run into me.
“I can’t even…” I started to say. “I mean…what the hell?”
“It’s all right. I gave up caring about them long ago.”
The look in his eye told me different, and the man gazing at me was someone who had been hurt by the people that were supposed to believe in him. I wanted to wrap my arms around him to take away his pain.
“Still though, they should have been there for you. That’s what family is all about.” I gave into the impulse and hugged him tight. He startled for a moment and then melted into my embrace. When I pulled back, he shrugged and turned away, looking like he didn’t want to acknowledge my comment. I let it go, because I could see talking about it was making him uncomfortable.
“Now it’s your turn.”
I took a deep breath, trying to will my nervousness away.
“I guess it is,” I muttered and poured another three fingers.
I slammed the drink, as well, and then looked down at my lap. There was no way I could face him when I began.
“I guess it all started back in high school. Embry Call lived on the reservation, but because they don’t have their own secondary schools, he came to Forks with the rest of the kids. We became friends and started dating our senior year. I was a stupid kid, thinking I was in love. He was the first guy I’d ever dated and slept with, and I thought he was my forever. God, I was fucking wrong.” I poured some more whiskey, continuing with my story.
“We stayed together while we went to community college in Port Angeles. My parents didn’t have the means to send me to a four-year institution, and I was fine with it. Plus, Jake was off fighting for his country—I knew that it would break my parents’ hearts if I left.” I chanced a look at him, and he was staring at me intently. I lowered my gaze, resuming my tale.
“We were happy, and when I got an offer to intern at a prestigious company in Phoenix after graduation, I decided to take it. Embry said he’d move with me so I wouldn’t be alone, and at the time, it had made my father feel better about it. I was excited to use my degree in business administration, I had my boyfriend with me that I loved dearly, and the possibilities were endless. It was a great time for me.” I sighed in agitation over what I’d have to reveal next.
“The first time he hit me—” I rubbed my forehead, trying to keep those unpleasant memories from flooding me.
“Wait, did you say he hit you?” Edward asked, the anger clear in his voice.
“Um, yeah. I’m not going to be able to do this if you keep interrupting.” I didn’t want to be rude, but it was the only way I could get through my story.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
I reached over and placed my hand on his, where it was resting on his knee. “It’s okay. I promise you can say whatever you want when I’m done.” He nodded his head, and I started again.
“He apologized afterwards, and being the idiot I am, I forgave him. He said that it wouldn’t happen again, and I believed him.”
Now here comes the hard part, I thought.
“I stayed for almost a year, and it never got better. He went from hitting me every once in a while and telling me how sorry he was to beating me for the most trivial things and screaming at me when he was finished, blaming me for making him do it. I lived in fear and shame while I tried to hide my bruises. Embry wasn’t stupid—he never left a mark that couldn’t be covered up. However, one of my co-workers, Irina, figured it out anyway.”I took a gulp of my drink, swallowing the brown liquid and relishing the burn.
“Her cousin had been abused, and she said she recognized the signs. Irina begged me for weeks to let her help me get away from him, but I refused. He still had a hold on me which made me think I couldn’t leave him. One day, though, I’d had enough. I was tired of being afraid all the time, and I asked her to help me.”He squeezed my hand, and the tears started. Fuck, I hated being so weak.
“She told me to wait until I knew he’d be gone and then pack my shit. She’d come over and help me get back home to Forks. The plan was perfect, except for one thing…I never knew when Embry would be home.”
I started to sob.
“He was out of work and basically sponging off of me like a parasite. Embry would go out and fuck other women, or go out and get bombed at the bar down the street. The night I left him, I thought that luck was finally on my side. I called Irina to come get me and started packing. I only took what I could fit into my three small suitcases, and as I was putting things into them, he came home. We fought, I told him I was leaving him, and he grabbed me and beat me within an inch of my life. If Irina hadn’t come when she did, I’d probably be dead right now.”
A harsh breath escaped Edward, and he was shaking beside me.
“I woke up in the hospital, and my parents were there. They told me how sorry they were and that if had they known, they would have talked me out of moving out there with Embry. My dad even threatened to shoot him, but I told him no. I didn’t want him to go to jail for my stupidity.”
“I’m sorry, but I have to know. Why isn’t he in jail?” He balled his fist on his thighs.
“The prosecutor said they didn’t have enough evidence to go to trial.” I grimaced, still bitter because the assholes that were supposed to make Embry pay were incompetent. “I can’t believe he was able to get away with it.”
I heard glass shattering, and I looked up. Edward had stood up, and he was red-faced and curling his fists tightly. I watched as he started to pace, cringing back into the sofa. In all honesty, his actions frightened me.
He must have noticed my movement, because he stopped.
“Hey,” Edward got down on his knees in front of me. “I would never hurt you. I promise you’re safe with me.”
He relaxed, and I slowly started to let my guard down.
“What did your brother say when you told him?” Edward bit his fingernail.
His question made me pause. “I, uh, we never told Jake. He was in Iraq at the time, and I didn’t think he needed to worry about something he couldn’t do anything about, with him being so far away.”
He nodded his head.
“Is it bad that I feel safer with you…more than I have with anyone else in a long time?” I hated feeling so vulnerable, but I had to know what he thought.
“No, it’s not,” he shook his head, staring at me. “That’s what friends are for.”
I laughed softly. “I’m kind of glad you started stalking me,” I teased while wiping the tears from my face.
“Me, too,” he said with a smile.
“Ugh. I’m sorry. You must be tired. You should go to bed.”
“Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll go pound on James’s door and cuddle with him. I usually sleep with him when Embry shows his ugly face. I’ll be fine,” I shrugged, not wanting to inconvenience him.
“I can stay,” he babbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean, if you want me to. I can crash on the couch or whatever.”
His offer sounded tempting. I knew the nightmares were coming, and the only way they would go away was if I felt somewhat safe. Not that sleeping with James made me feel secure. Embry, honestly, would kick the shit out of him if given the chance. The imaginary plots to kill my ex were just that…imaginary. James would never be able to take him on.
Edward, on the other hand, was in a whole other class. He had been in the Army, and from the letters Jake had sent, I knew that he had learned how to fend for himself. I felt safe with him, and I really wanted to say yes.
“Um, I can’t let you sleep on the couch. It wouldn’t be right, with your bad knee and all.”
Mother of God. The way he said my name made me quiver.
“Really, I wouldn’t feel right.”
“Just let me do this.” He pulled out his lip and gave me a pathetic look.
I am so fucked.
“Okay, fine. You win. There are extra blankets and pillows in the hall closet. I’ll see you in the morning.” I turned toward my bedroom. He did not play fair.
“Goodnight, firecracker.” His eyes flashed with amusement.
“Watch it,” I threatened, walking toward my bedroom. Once I was inside, I shut the door and fell back against it. I had not expected his reaction, and it confused me. Sure, I had expected anger, but not at the level he’d shown.
I sighed, making my way to my dresser. After opening it, I pulled out my pajamas and changed into them. I wondered, as I slipped into my bed, what Edward would sleep in. He hadn’t brought anything with him, after all.
Knock it off, Bella, I chastised myself. He’s just a friend. Quit thinking about him in his boxers. Ugh. And now I can’t get that image out of my head.
I punched my pillow and turned over, letting sleep claim me. The last thought that ran through my mind was filled with copper hair and green eyes.
I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. The nightmares that usually accompanied a visit from Embry hadn’t come. I attributed it to the soldier sleeping on my couch in the next room.
I got out of bed and went toward the kitchen. As I passed the living room, I caught a glimpse of Edward passed out on my sofa. His legs were too long and were hanging over the edge of the arm. He looked so peaceful and gorgeous while he slept. I shook off those thoughts and continued toward the kitchen. The man deserved breakfast for braving that uncomfortable piece of furniture. I figured a homemade one would be well received.
Just as I was finishing up the bacon, I heard him let out a grunt. I smiled and plated the food, setting it on the table. The smell must have woken him up, because moments later, he was standing in my kitchen in all his sleepy glory. Edward’s hair was tousled and looked like he’d had a good rest or been fucked senseless.
“You didn’t have to do this,” Edward stretched, raising his arms up. A sliver of skin was exposed with that action, showing the course hairs of his happy trail above the waist of his pants. The sight made me think of when I’d caught a peek of what he was packing, and I bit my lip hard, hoping to keep those thought from going any further.
Christ. I really need to get laid.
“Oh, uh, it’s…um, okay.”
Now I also sounded like an idiot. Wonderful.
I motioned for him to sit down, and he complied. I joined him, and we ate in silence. Edward dug into his food with enthusiasm, making me vow to myself that I would feed him more often. All of the diner food he’d consumed since he’d arrived wasn’t good for him, and I really wanted him to stick around for a while. A heart attack from greasy food wouldn’t be good.
“So, I was thinking,” Edward said while he chewed. “You need to learn how to defend yourself, so I’m going to teach you a few things.”
“That’s okay,” I said with a chuckle. “Jake tried to teach me a long time ago, and all I got down was the hair pulling, if you remember me telling you. I appreciate the offer, though.”
“Well, Jake didn’t have hand-to-hand combat training at the time, and I do,” he pointed out.
“Really, it’s—”
“Bella, let me do this,” Edward commanded, crossing his arms. “I would feel a lot better if you knew how to take care of yourself. That asshole might get to you when you’re alone, and I think Charlie would agree that it would be a good idea if you knew how to fight him off, if necessary.”
Demanding Edward was hot, I decided, and throwing my father into the discussion was a low blow. I knew that if he talked to Charlie, I wouldn’t win. My only option was to relent. Damn it.
“Fine,” I said with a sigh.
Edward smiled widely and stood up, holding his hand out for me. I took it and left the dishes where they were.
He led me into the living room and started to move the furniture around. Edward pushed and pulled the items until there was a large empty space in the middle. I’d tried to help a couple of times, but he just gently pushed me away. I quit and let him do his thing.
“Now, the most important thing to remember is to be aware of your surroundings,” he explained, making eye contact. “You never know what you might be able to use as a weapon unless you look.”
I nodded, listening to him.
“Come here.” he motioned to the spot in front of him, and I stood where he wanted me. “Ideally, if you can get away, you should. However, sometimes you can’t, so it’s good to know a few things if the need arises.”
He spun me around and my back hit his chest. Edward held me tightly, bringing his face close to my ear.
“What are you going to do?” His breath tickled my ear as he whispered, making me shiver.
“I don’t know.” I said, closing my eyes from the pleasurable feeling of being so close to him.
He positioned my arm and told me to try to break the hold on him. After a few times, I got away from him.
“Good,” he said, complimenting me. “Now try this.”
We spent the next couple of hours like that—Edward would show me a move and then let me practice on him. Little by little, I started to feel more confident in my ability to defend myself. He was patient, correcting me when I didn’t get something quite right. I felt comfortable with each demonstration. The close proximity, though, messed with my mind somewhat, and it was the cause of a few mistakes. Edward didn’t notice, or didn’t acknowledge it, because he just kept going.
During a complicated move, I tripped over his legs. The action caused me to fall, taking Edward with me. I landed on my back with a thud, and he landed on top of me. I noticed immediately that our morning activities had aroused him. The way we were positioned, I could feel what I had only seen once pressed up against me perfectly.
And—oh my God—it felt wonderful against my core.
I looked up at his face, and he stared back at me with lust. He moved his face closer to mine, inch by agonizing inch. My eyes closed, and I could feel his breath on my lips.
“Hey, Indian princess,” James called out.
Edward jerked his head up.
“Well, no wonder there’s no bun in the oven yet!” James stomped his foot. “You’re doing it all wrong. You’re supposed to take off your clothes, and then insert tab A into slot B.”
Edward rolled off of me and then sat up. I huffed and glared as I righted myself. I was ready to kill me a diva.
“How in the hell did you get in here?” I tried to act nonchalant by brushing my pant legs off.
“You left the deadbolt unlocked,” James said in a sing-songy voice.
Damn it all to hell.
“Don’t you have a crazy convention you need to attend…or something?” Edward narrowed his eyes at James.
“Oh, you’re a riot, sweet treat.” James cocked his head to the side, studying us. “No, I was coming over to see if you wanted to look at all the new baby clothes I found online. However, it seems I’ve jumped the gun a bit.”
“Go away, you fruitcake,” Edward said with a moan.
“Oh, I am,” James promised.
“Halle-fucking-lujah.” Edward threw his hand up in the air.
“Oh, no, I’m not Jesus,” James waved his hand in front of his torso. “However, I will be your savior. I have to go get some supplies, because it seems some people were absent the day they taught sex ed.”
Edward froze, and I jumped up.
“No way in hell—” I started to say.
“Shhh,” James said, pinching my lips together. “You two need a serious intervention in the art of fucking, and Dr. Loves-the-Cock is going to teach you everything you need to know. Why, you’ll be popping out Baby Cullen in no time, once the lesson is complete.”
I smacked his hand away.
“Feisty,” James winked at me. “That’s the spirit, Indian princess.”
“Listen here, you pink nightmare,” Edward had stood up and was right behind me.
“Again, love the attitude, sparkle pants. You need to chill, though. The teacher needs to get some supplies, so sit your cute butt on that couch. That goes for you, too, girl,” James ordered, pointing toward the sofa. Edward and I stood rooted to our spots, glaring at him.
“Oh!” James squealed, clapping his hands. “I wonder if I can get that fine man Jasper to come help me with some one-on-one visuals.”
With that last statement, he left and slammed the door behind him.
“Lock it…quick,” I whispered and pointed.
Edward jogged over to the door, making sure both locks were secured.
“Fuck, he’s coming back, isn’t he?” Edward whined, punching the air.
“Yep,” I gave him a wide grin. “Now, you need to show me some more moves. I need to put some hurt on his meddling diva ass.”
Edward’s face broke out into a huge grin. “I know just the thing you can use, too.”
![]() | ![]() |
1/2 shot Blue Curacao
1/2 shot Raspberry Schnapps
Mixing Instructions:
Pour schnapps, then curacao into the glass. Do not mix.
Bartender's Guide suggest serving in a shot glass
Chapter 10 teaser #2
“So, you okay, kiddo?” he asked, leaning forward in the chair and placing his hands on the desk.
“I am now,” I looked down at the floor. “It was just a shock. I haven’t seen him in months. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking.”
“That was his problem…he wasn’t thinking. Bella, maybe I should hire a bouncer to watch the doors.” Charlie rubbed his chin in contemplation.
“Dad,” I started to argue with him. “It’s not necessary. I appreciate the offer, though.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right. We do have Edward, after all,” he said with a smile.
Chapter 10 teaser
I set my glass down and rubbed my forehead with my hand. “You do know that the entire reservation could go up in flames, right? They don’t have their own fire department and have to rely on the one here in Forks.”
“Boo, there goes my plans to show double-oh-seven what a man in a tux is supposed to look like. I would have been fuckhot, too,” James said with a pout.
“Yes, you would have.” I patted his arm, hoping to placate him.
James picked up his bottle and went to the back room.
“How in the hell…?” Edward started to say.
“James is always trying to plan out Embry’s murder,” I said with a wave of my hand. “Last time, it was some kind of fucked up BDSM scenario without the sex.”
Blue Light Special
Growing up with a sister, who had never seemed to give up on the idea that I was her backup whenever she couldn’t talk Jasper or her girlfriends into her crazy ideas, had taught me to always pick the lesser evil in any given situation. So when James had threatened to paint my front door pink, I’d maneuvered out of it by agreeing to go shopping with him. Then he had shifted his pink door threat to Bella, who had to agree to come as well. That made him go into full planning mode, but at least he was out of our hair about babies and honeymoons. Dude was bonkers.
Blue Light Special
3/4 oz Apple schnapps
1/4 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Blue Curacao
Fill with Pineapple juice
Mixing Instructions:
Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker, pour, and serve.
Bartender's guide recommends serving in a cocktail glass.
Chapter 9 Teaser #2
“How do you make a Molotov cocktail?” he asked. “This fierce bitch is gonna torch that fucker Embry’s house!”
I hesitated. I couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. If he broke into people’s houses, maybe he torched them, too. I then looked over at Bella, who was still as pale as earlier, looking completely defeated. I had absolutely no clue what was going on, but I didn’t like seeing the pretty firecracker like that.
I turned back to James. “You need a breakable bottle filled with gasoline and a wick soaked in alcohol.”
Outtake: Army Green
College. College applications. College tours. Dorm rooms. Course load. GPA. Sororities. Fraternities. Acceptance letters. Professors. TAs. Lectures. Career. Future.
The whole thing was giving me daily migraines. Everyone seemed to know exactly what they wanted and had their lives all mapped out – from where they wanted to go to college and what they wanted to study, to what they wanted it to say on their fucking tombstone when they died in their peaceful sleep at age ninety-four surrounded by their seventeen great-grandchildren.
Chapter 9 Teaser
“Yes, blue goes nicely with his ass, too.”
“How would you know?”
“Ooh, jealous that you’re not the only one who has seen his sexy ass, princess?”
“Bite me.”
“No thanks, but I’m sure Eddie-poo wouldn’t mind.”
Rolling my eyes, I decided that they had embarrassed us enough for now. People were beginning to look at us funny. I reached between them and grabbed a black shirt of the kind they had been arguing about. Smirking, I walked away.
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